Home / Teens
When the student joins Speakeasy from the age of 11, the approach used is yet another. It is the generation most connected to the global and digital, and the classes awaken the teenager's desire to know more about the world, encouraging the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in an interactive and fun way.
Teens are a generation connected to the future, each class must present something new and an opportunity to express themselves and feel confident and respected as citizens of an increasingly connected world.
Therefore, it is essential that, from an early age, the student has access to different communication approaches, in order to further improve their perception of the world and, also, in order to achieve better quality in their education.
The material used helps the teenager to know himself better, to explore who he is and who he wants to be in the future, inserted in a global context, while learning English. The identification models presented to the student are scientists and innovators who embody important and valued 21st century skills and demonstrate values that teens need to become successful global citizens. Authentic oral expression is encouraged through active participation, where the student is able to make choices about the activities they need to perform and, according to their personal characteristics, has the freedom to work individually, in pairs, or in small groups. The possibility of making choices encourages engagement and values individuality.
1. At the stage where children and adolescents are, the brain is more receptive to acquiring new knowledge. Therefore, the stimulus to learn another language can positively influence the entire cognitive development.
2. For teenagers, understanding about different subjects and themes is possible due to the development of certain skills. As English is usually already part of everyday life (in video games, movies, series and music), it becomes much simpler and uncomplicated to learn the new vocabulary.
3. One of the most interesting things for teenagers is the possibility of exchanges in educational institutions, through learning in English. This is because the language opens many doors, making possible direct competition for scholarships and admission processes in the best universities abroad.
4. The young person will easily expand their relationship skills, networking and contact with different types of cultures. This is essential to encourage a healthy experience with discoveries that are part of the student's daily life.
5. Given this, not only learning, but mastering the English language is a latent need. Speaking English goes beyond learning any new language — it will determine cultural exchanges and professional opportunities. Thus, whoever learns this language will have confidence in communicating and will be able to live unimaginable cultural experiences. For those who speak English, professional success also becomes more palpable. Whoever speaks the language has great chances of doing well in companies inside or outside Brazil. In other words, you have the world in your hands!
6. The global + digital are part of the daily lives of these students, inside and outside the classroom, students with language skills already feel the advantage of being able to communicate internationally without barriers.
The hybrid teaching modality is a reality that brings infinite advantages for this age group. For 2021: Hybrid Teaching + Small classes prioritizing social interaction in a safe way, as adolescents need to connect with others to build their own identity – Learning platforms where students can track their progress with teacher monitoring. Gamification is part of the routine of activities. The material used is from renowned international publishers and aims to delight students, inspire and help them to trace their own goals and objectives on the way to their dreams.